#BlackLivesMatter – Useful Vocabulary

Black Lives Matter Chinese Vocabulary – Words & Phrases We Should All Learn

As we did with the Coronavirus, in times of strife around the world we want to use it as an opportunity to teach all our readers and followers some useful new words and phrases in Chinese

Black Lives Matter in Chinese

Today we move onto the topic of Black Lives and how everyone on the planet is equal, everyone.

When it comes to learning a language we learn the usuals, such as:

… but what about current affairs, things we can use day-to-day?

This is why we always try to keep up with all things happening around the world and educate ourselves and our readers.

We did the same with a couple of posts and a video relating to COVID-19:

Black Lives Matter Vocabulary – Words

Black Lives Matter Vocabulary – Phrases

Black Lives Matter Vocabulary – FAQ’s

First and foremost we should learn how to say Black Lives Matter in Chinese:

Hēirén de mìng hěn zhòngyào

The translation is almost identical to the English:

  • hēi rén 黑人 means black person
  • mìng 命 means life
  • hěn zhòngyào 很重要 means very important

Now let’s learn some more related vocab, starting with words, then moving onto phrases.

Black Lives Matter Chinese Vocabulary – Words

Anti Racism
反种族主义 fǎn zhǒngzú zhǔyì

軍隊 jūn duì

安撫 ān fǔ

窒息 zhì xī

驗屍 yàn shī

宵禁 xiāo jìn

革职 gé zhí

公正 gōng zhèng

和平 hé píng

Police Officer 
警察 jǐng chá

遊行 yóu xíng

抗议 kàng yì

Stand for / Stand by
代表 dài biǎo / 支持 zhī chí

Definitive Guide to Religion in China 🌏 What Are The Most Followed Religions Worldwide? Thumbnail

Definitive Guide to Religion in China 🌏 What Are The Most Followed Religions Worldwide?

China Religion – You’ll find a lot of religions have passed through China from time to time. Follow our Ultimate Guide to Religions in China.

Black Lives Matter Chinese Vocabulary – Phrases

Everyone is Equal
měi gèrén shēnglái píngděng

Everyone’s Life is a life
měi gèrén de mìng dōu shì mìng

Excessive Enforcement
zhǒng zú qí shì

Hold a Protest
yóu xíng

I Can’t Breathe
wǒ bùnéng hūxī

Life is Above Everything!
shēngmìng zhìshàng

No Silence
jùjué chénmò

No Violence
méiyǒu bàolì

Public Murder
chìluǒluǒ de móushā

Racial Discrimination
kàng yì huó dòng

Racial Equality
zhǒngzú píngděng

Quell the Demonstration
píng xī shì wēi

We hope this list of vocabulary and phrases has helped expand your Mandarin vocab somewhat.

Got anymore? What did you think of the post, rate it our of ten in the comments below.

And remember…

Black Lives Matter in Chinese

Black Lives Matter Vocab – FAQ’s

How do you say Black Lives Matter in Chinese?

黑人的命很重要 hēirén de mìng hěn zhòngyào

How do you say I Can’t Breathe in Chinese?

我不能呼吸 wǒ bùnéng hūxī

How do you say Justice in Chinese?

公正 gōng zhèng

How do you say Protest in Chinese?

抗议 kàng yì

How do you say Racial Equality in Chinese?

种族平等 zhǒngzú píngděng

How do you say Everyone is Equal in Chinese?

每个人生来平等 měi gèrén shēnglái píngděng

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